The A.A. Daily Reflection - Just for Today

In Alcoholics Anonymous, there is a Daily Reflections book that contains a passage, thought, or meditation for each day of the year to aid members in their practice of daily meditation and prayer. The daily reflections guide A.A. members in applying the Twelve Steps to their lives twenty-four hours at a time. AA and other 12-Step programs emphasize practicing daily actions in order to maintain their sobriety. Many members make it part of their morning routine to read the Daily Reflection for that day, contemplating the passage to ground themselves in the A.A. mindset as they start each day on the path of recovery. The Daily Reflection serves as a touchstone, reminding members to live just for today.

In addition to the Alcoholics Anonymous fellowship, other twelve step programs have daily meditation books. These books all contain daily passages and prayers to reinforce principles of growth in that fellowship. For example Narcotics Anonymous uses "Just for Today" and Al-Anon's "Hope for Today."

The Reflection of the Day

Today's Daily Reflection speaks about acceptance and serenity. It encourages letting go of regrets, anxieties and unrealistic expectations that can sabotage recovery. Instead of living in the past or future, the focus stays on the present day. Each day holds blessings if one opens their eyes to receive them with an accepting heart.

The Prayer for Just for Today

At the end of each Daily Reflection is the "Just for Today" prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

This prayer reinforces a mindset of acceptance, courage and discernment that enables ongoing growth and peace. By praying these words daily, the meaning takes hold internally to shape attitudes and actions.

In Narcotics Anonymous, there is also a "Just for Today" prayer and set of readings to guide daily living, including:

Just for today I will try to live through this day only, not tackling all of my problems at once. I can do something for one day that would appall me if I felt I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

Just for today I will be happy. Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

What Should One Put in Their Daily Reflections?

In addition to published daily meditations, many members take time for personal reflection and writing. Journals give a record of spiritual progress day by day. Revisiting past entries provides insight into growth over time. The practice of daily journaling builds self-awareness and gratitude.

Suggested topics include:

Upon Awakening: Review where one stands at the start of the day. Begin with prayer and meditation to align one’s consciousness with the Divine. Review plans for the day. End with prayer seeking guidance and success.

Upon Retiring: Review the events of the day, looking for times of selfishness, dishonesty, resentments and fears. Pray for forgiveness and continued spiritual growth. Plan any amends or acts of service for tomorrow. Ask for restful sleep and consciousness of God through the night. Remember to review the positives from the day and express gratitude for all you’ve been given. Some people find it helpful to discuss with their sponsor or others in the fellowship.

By being mindful daily and checking in morning and night, one's days unfold more purposefully. Over time, daily reflections create clarity about oneself, relationships, and life direction. They build the emotional sobriety and wisdom to progress in recovery one day at a time.


Daily reflections in 12-step programs offer more than just words; they provide a beacon of hope, guidance, and strength for those on the journey of recovery. As we've explored, each program, from AA's 'Just for Today' to Al-Anon's 'Courage to Change', offers unique perspectives and support for various challenges faced in addiction and recovery. These reflections are not just daily readings; they are lifelines, connecting individuals to a community of understanding and shared experience.

If you, or someone you know, are navigating the path of recovery, or if you're simply seeking a deeper understanding of the 12-step process, we encourage you to dive deeper into the world of daily reflections. Embrace the wisdom, find solace in the shared stories, and discover the transformative power of these programs. Remember, every journey begins with a single step, and every day is an opportunity for growth and renewal.